Tony Stamolis


Tony Stamolis hails from Fresno, California. His work has appeared in The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Maxim, Nerve, Exit, Giant, Mass Appeal, Flaunt, and Black Book. He has exhibited his work in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Austin, Marfa, and Portland, Oregon. Tony has published two books: "Frezno" and "T&T&A". 

"You know that feeling you have when you live in a shitty rural, suburban, or slightly large town in the middle of nowhere and all you want to do is get the fuck out and see some real urban life? Anything that isn't your boring cul-de-sac and empty swimming pool, and you find yourself in isolation, revolting, and making shit while the rest of the world, including those urban centers who dictate what's "cool" and of the moment find what you are doing in your little town to be far more interesting, rebellious, and exciting than anything that's being created in the world today and you get a book published, an album produced or a skate video financed? That is Frezno."
-Evan Pricco, Juxtapoz Magazine

"Tony's clearly out for fun. His photos are full of awkward giddiness, reeking of 'Reader's Wives' drunken spontaneity. I know nothing about these young women, but the fantasy Tony communicates is of that woman at the bar who strips naked after 10 tequila shots, then takes you home, fucks your brains out, and even though you know it's a really bad idea, makes you fall hopelessly in love with her. Basically, my kind of woman."
-Dian Hanson, editor of Taschen's The New Erotic Photography




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